Saturday, April 16, 2011

And Another 'Did You Know' Post

Hello there again readers. Now, what I'm about to tell you is something from the Wonders of Life that you did not know existed. Now, some of you readers have known about this when they were younger, and even so, some may have only a small idea of what it's about. Ready...?

Okay, so I've looked up the French translation of the Wonders of Life article on Wikipedia, and I noticed part of the following article in French. With some rough translation skills, it feels a lot like this:

Educational Film Series

Associated with the pavillion, Disney Studios have made additional educational films in January 1990:
  • The Bone and Muscle Get Rhythm (26 January 1990, 11 min) explains how the bones and muscles work together, in this case, during the school dance.
  • The Brain and the Nervous System Think Science (26 January 1990, 11 min) explains how the brain and nervous system work, such as in thinking skills.
  • The Heart and Lungs Play Ball (26 January 1990, 11 min) explains how the heart and lungs work, in this case, during a football game.

You guessed it, the interesting fact the Mouse himself is set on hiding from the rest of us... an educational film series inspired by the Wonders of Life actually exists!There are numerous library and sale catalogues that mention the educational series, and you might be able to find it here (you need a PDF file reader to view the file though! The catalogue is last updated in 2007)
Another library catalogue I have found on the web (referring to WOL: Heart and Lungs Play Ball) also features another interesting little fact... the name "Captain Cortex". Hmmm...

...of course! Captain Cortex was the original name given to our bumbling brain pilot, until being colloquially named 'Buzzy'. (So I guess it's safe for me to refer to him as Captain Buzzy Cortex at the moment.) Though I am not practically SURE if he himself actually appears in the series... interesting coincidence?

Of course, the film series is currently out of print - at this point, it's very hard to set foot into a thrift store and find the videotape in its entirety. And in contrast to the renowned Bill Nye the Science Guy series being released on DVD, I highly doubt the WOL series might be released this way.

So right now, I'm depending on all of you readers, either having vivid or withering memories of being shown the series in class, to submit your comments below after reading. And for those who have managed to 'rescue' the tape,then please post a review for others to get an idea on what it's about, and what it's like. Or, if someone has decided to risk all by posting a video clip of part of the film series, let us readers know!

Until next time, readers!

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